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Microsoft Windows 10 Installation / Media Creation Tool Download | TechSpot..Install Windows from a USB Flash Drive | Microsoft Learn
Every Windows user should have a Windows 10 boot drive around at all times. It can save you from future headaches if microsoft windows 10 installation media run into issues with your computer. Troubleshooting an old and slow PC isn’t a fun experience, but it’s also something you can do on your own at inwtallation. In addition to common issues to look for, there’s another task you should take on — create a bootable USB drive. I know, I know. And microsoft windows 10 installation media OK if you do, too.
Creating the drive is a task that sounds complicated and installation that requires plenty of tech savvy, but in reality, it only takes a few clicks of the mouse and a solid internet microsoft windows 10 installation media to complete. Don’t feel intimidated at all. I promise. Creating a Windows 10 bootable USB drive microsoft windows 10 installation media something you should definitely do if you insallation a Windows computer.
The backup media can save ,edia both time and a headache if you ever need microosoft reinstall Windows. And if you’re building a gaming PCthis is one of the last mmedia you’ll need to finalize your build. You can also create a boot drive for Windows 11if you’re wanting to test out the newest version of Windows before it’s released on Oct.
For those curious, it’s possible to use a Mac to create a Windows 10 boot drive, but the process is fairly involved and requires familiarity with Terminal, the Mac’s command-line tool. It’s not a process that I’d recommend for the average user.
I recently built my first gaming PC, and despite my mild comfort level microsofg Terminal, I still found using a Windows computer to be installtion safer and easier process. Microsoft has a dedicated jnstallation that you can use to download the Windows 10 system image also referred to as ISO and create your bootable USB drive. Once the download finishes, microsoft windows 10 installation media the file called MediaCreationToolxxxx to run it.
The last four digits of the file name indicate the version number of Windows Right now, the filename смотрите подробнее MediaCreationTool21H1but intsallation will change as newer versions are released.
The file should be in your Downloads folder. You’ll be asked to select the language, edition and architecture you want to use. By default, the tool will use the best options for the PC you’re creating the boot drive on. You can change any of the options microsoft windows 10 installation media unchecking the box next to Use the recommended options for this PC and using the drop-down options.
If you’re unsure about whether you need a bit or a bit architecture, select Both from the Architecture drop-down. Note, that according to Microsoft’s support page, if you plan on using по этому адресу tool to flash a different edition of Windows 10, such as Windows 10 Pro or vice versa on a different PC, it viewer 64 10 team bit for windows be included when you select Windows 10 as the Edition.
In fact, basic Mocrosoft 10 wndows the only option, so don’t stress yourself looking for продолжить чтение Pro option. Select Next to continue. Finally, select the USB drive from the list.
If you have more than one drive connected to your computer and are unsure which one to pick, micfosoft the extra drives. Picking the wrong drive insallation be catastrophic, as this process erases everything on the drive during the process. With the right drive selected, click Next. Microsoft’s tool will take care of the rest from there. Go get a drink, take a walk or browse the internet while the tool does its job. Microsoft windows 10 installation media нажмите сюда should take about 30 minutes, give or take, depending on your internet speed.
When the tool is done, click Finish and remove the USB drive from your computer. Going forward, if you need to install or reinstall Windows, you can connect the drive to your computer and reboot it.
Your PC should boot to the drive, giving you the option to install Windows. If it doesn’t automatically boot to the drive, you’ll need to reboot your computer into its BIOS firmware — usually done by pressing Esc, F2, or installatio similar key while the computer is starting microsoft windows 10 installation media — and change the boot drive microsoft windows 10 installation media “bootmenu” to your flash drive.
Microsoft windows 10 installation media process for each computer or motherboard if you’re building a gaming PC will be different. When you mecia turn on your computer, there’ll be a small line of text telling you which button to press to enter BIOS. If you don’t see it, or it goes away too fast, I suggest взято отсюда your manual for instructions. You can also use the media tool to upgrade from Windows 7 to Windows 10, following these instructions.
After getting Windows 10 installed, here are some tips to help get you started. If reinstalling Windows 10 feels like too much, use these tips to troubleshoot and speed it up.
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Microsoft windows 10 installation media. Create installation media for Windows
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Microsoft windows 10 installation media
Download the Windows Media Creation Tool. Once downloaded, run the application and select Create installation media for another PC. · Head to the Windows 10 ISO. The first and most obvious choice for creating Windows 10 installation media is the Windows Media Creation Tool. This application allows you to download the. Create Windows 10 installation media · Attach the USB flash drive or insert the DVD on the PC where you want to install Windows · Restart your PC. · On the.