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Scroll the list if necessary, and then click PowerPoint to start the app. To start PowerPoint on a Windows 8 computer 1. From the Start screen, display the Apps screen. 2. Sort the Apps screen by name, and then click any index letter to display the alphabet index. Microsoft PowerPoint Step by Step | Joan Lambert | download | Z-Library. Download books for free. Find books. About Microsoft Access Step By Step Pdf Free Download. Microsoft Office Step by Step is designed for use as a learning and reference. resource by home and business users of Microsoft Office apps who want to use Word, Excel, and PowerPoint to create and edit files, and Outlook to organize email, contacts, and appointments.
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Thank you! This Step by Step book has been designed so you can read it from the beginning to learn about Microsoft PowerPoint and then build your skills as you learn to perform increasingly specialized procedures. Or, if you prefer, you can jump in wherever you need ready guidance for performing tasks.
The how-to steps are delivered crisply and concisely—just the facts. Who this book is for Microsoft PowerPoint Step by Step is designed for use as a learning and reference resource by home and business users of Microsoft Office programs who want to use PowerPoint to create and present slide presentations and printed materials. The content of the book is designed to be useful for people who have previously used earlier ver- sions of PowerPoint and for people who are discovering PowerPoint for the first time.
Each part is divided into chapters representing skill set areas, and each chapter is divided into topics that group related skills. Each topic includes expository informa- tion followed by generic procedures. Follow the instructions on the webpage. You should install that app before working through the procedures and practice tasks in this book.
You can open the files that are supplied for the practice tasks and save the finished versions of each file. If you later want to repeat practice tasks, you can download the original practice files again.
Get support and give feedback This topic provides information about getting help with this book and contacting us to provide feedback or report errors. If you need to contact the Microsoft Press Support team, please send an email message to mspinput microsoft. The survey is short, and we read every one of your comments and ideas. Thanks in advance for your input! PowerPoint presentations can be an effective way of providing information in small segments.
Individual slides can include bullet points, pictures, charts, tables, and Practice files business diagrams. Professionally designed themes visu- No practice files are necessary to ally enhance your message and provide a professional, complete the practice tasks in this coordinated appearance. The elements that control the appearance of PowerPoint and the way you interact with it while you create presen- tations are collectively referred to as the user interface.
Some user interface elements, such as the color scheme, are cosmetic. Others, such as toolbars, menus, and but- tons, are functional. The default PowerPoint configuration and functionality is based on the way that most people work with the app. You can modify cosmetic and func- tional user interface elements to suit your preferences and working style. This chapter guides you through procedures related to starting PowerPoint, working in the PowerPoint user interface, and managing Office and app settings.
You might also have a shortcut to PowerPoint on your desktop or on the Windows taskbar. When you start PowerPoint without opening a specific presentation, the PowerPoint Start screen appears. The Start screen is a hybrid of the Open and New pages of the Backstage view.
It displays links to recent files in the left pane, and new file templates in the right pane. Click the Start button, and then click All apps.
In the app list, click any index letter to display the alphabet index, and then click P to scroll the app list to the apps starting with that letter. Scroll the list if necessary, and then click PowerPoint to start the app.
To start PowerPoint on a Windows 8 computer 1. From the Start screen, display the Apps screen. Sort the Apps screen by name, and then click any index letter to display the alphabet index. In the alphabet index, click P to scroll the app list to the apps starting with that letter.
Then click PowerPoint to start the app. Work in the PowerPoint user interface The PowerPoint user interface provides intuitive access to all the tools you need to develop a sophisticated presentation tailored to the needs of your audience.
The apps in the Office suite are designed to work together to provide highly efficient methods of getting things done. You can install one or more Office apps on your com- puter. Some apps have multiple versions designed for different platforms. For example, you can install different versions of PowerPoint on a computer, a smartphone, an iPad, and an Android device; you can also work in a version of PowerPoint that is hosted entirely online.
Although the core purpose of an app remains the same regardless of the platform on which it runs, the avail- able functionality and the way you interact with the app might be different.
It is available as part of the Office suite of apps, as a freestanding app, or as part of an Office subscription. Until recently, the standard way of acquiring Office software was to purchase a disc, packaged in a box, and install the software from the disc. In the recent past, the standard distribution model has changed to an online installation, often as part of an Office subscription licensing package. Office , which was originally available only to businesses, now has many subscription options designed for individual home and business users, students, households, small businesses, midsize businesses, enterprises, government agencies, academic institutions, and nonprofits; in other words, whatever your needs may be, there is an Office subscription option that will be a close fit.
Many of the Office subscription options include licens- ing for the desktop Office apps and permit users to run Office on multiple devices, including Windows computers, Mac computers, Windows tablets, Android tablets, iPads, and smartphones. You can review and edit presen- tations in PowerPoint Online, which runs directly in your browser instead of on your computer.
PowerPoint Online displays the contents of a presentation very much like the desktop app does, and offers a limited subset of the commands and content formatting options that are available in the full desktop app. Com- mands for tasks you perform often are readily available, and even those you might use infrequently are easy to find. Title bar At the top of the app window, this bar displays the name of the active file, identifies the app, and provides tools for managing the app window, ribbon, and content.
The title bar elements are always on the left end, in the center, and on the right end of the title bar The Quick Access Toolbar at the left end of the title bar can be customized to include any commands that you want to have easily available. You can change the location of the Quick Access Toolbar and customize it to include any command to which you want to have easy access. Across the top of the ribbon is a set of tabs. Clicking a tab displays an associated set of commands arranged in groups.
Commands related to managing PowerPoint and presentations rather than presen- tation content are gathered together in the Backstage view, which you display by clicking the File tab located at the left end of the ribbon. Commands available in the Backstage view are organized on named pages, which you display by clicking the page tabs in the colored left pane.
You redisplay the presentation and the ribbon by clicking the Back arrow located above the page tabs. The Home tab, which is active by default, con- tains the most frequently used commands. When a graphic element such as a picture, table, or chart is selected on a slide, one or more tool tabs might appear at the right end of the ribbon to make commands related to that specific object easily accessible.
Tool tabs are available only when the relevant object is selected. You can make these commands available by adding them to the Quick Access Toolbar or the ribbon. You can point to any button to display a ScreenTip that contains the command name, a description of its function, and its keyboard shortcut if it has one.
To determine whether a button and its arrow are integrated, point to the button to activate it. If both the button and its arrow are shaded, clicking the button displays options for refining the action of the button. If only the button or arrow is shaded when you point to it, clicking the button carries out its default action or applies the current default formatting.
Clicking the arrow and then clicking an action carries out the action. Clicking the arrow and then clicking a formatting option applies the formatting and sets it as the default for the button.
Examples of buttons with separate and integrated arrows When a formatting option has several choices available, they are often displayed in a gallery of images, called thumbnails, that provide a visual representation of each choice.
When you point to a thumbnail in a gallery, the Live Preview feature shows you what the active content will look like if you click the thumbnail to apply the asso- ciated formatting. When a gallery contains more thumbnails than can be shown in the available ribbon space, you can display more content by clicking the scroll arrow or More button located on the right border of the gallery. Tell me what you want to do Entering a term in the Tell Me What You Want To Do box located to the right of the ribbon tabs displays a list of related commands and links to additional resources online.
Or you can press F1 to open the Help window for the cur- rent app. The easy path to help when working in PowerPoint Status bar Across the bottom of the app window, the status bar displays information about the current presentation and provides access to certain PowerPoint functions. Some items, such as Docu- ment Updates Available, appear on the status bar only when that condition is true.
These tools provide you with con- venient methods for changing the display of presentation content. The ribbon is dynamic, meaning that as its width changes, its buttons adapt to the available space.
As a result, a button might be large or small, it might or might not have a label, or it might even change to an entry in a list. For example, when sufficient horizontal space is available, the buttons on the View tab of the PowerPoint app window are spread out, and you can review the commands available in each group.
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