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Then if you still have problems e-mail me ross. Precisely dimensioned laser cut parts are wonderful to work with. By adjusting your geometry for the width of the laser cut you have full control over how tightly your parts fit together. By using this add-in with a small or even negative value for your kerf you can make loose fitting parts for a child’s puzzle perhaps.
By using an aggressive value say 0. Then there is the middle ground where parts can be easily dry-fit and disassembled multiple times prior to gluing. This add-in also supports the creation of multi-layered DXF filessplitting your perimeter and cutouts into their own layers.
Get all of this without modifying your geometry or tediously offsetting and deleting scores of lines and curves – let DXF for Laser do the hard work for you! This tool autodesk advance steel 2018 mega free not the best tool for the job, however, it is often the easiest. For those cases where you are dealing with advancs non-manifold shape or simply require more control over the path generation the manufacturing workspace can be used to generate either a multilayer DXF or autodesk advance steel 2018 mega free toolpaths directly.
I’ve been using DXF4Laser autodesk advance steel 2018 mega free the last 10 months and it’s worked flawlessly in my export workflow. With the most recent F update, however, it has failed to provide a save file option after running the projected geometry, leaving me unable to save any files.
My colleagues with the acvance workflow have also just recently run into the same problem. It would be nice to have it up and running again. Once I got the add-in installed I did have to open the. If only it would allow you to select multiple faces, than it would be utterly brilliant! Now, with only 1 face selectable at a autodesk advance steel 2018 mega free, I’m not sure how often it would be efficient for me sadly.
PS: For some faces, it would immediately close the “save as” window for me, without saving, but luckily I could still manually save the “Cut all” sketch that had been created.
Make sure you are autodesk advance steel 2018 mega free the latest version. There indeed was a breaking change back in Autodesk advance steel 2018 mega free so if it had been a while since you’ve used Fusion then this updated version will likely solve your problem.
Hi, Advznce need to export DXF to be sent to a carbon fibre cutter, but he doesn’t use laser. Can по ссылке confirm that setting KERF to 0 does not alter the output at all? Right clicking the sketch and exporting to DXF includes contruction lines, which is a pain for him and could lead to ambiguity, exporting the whole model results in multiple items in the DXF, which again is a pain, so autodesk advance steel 2018 mega free seems like this tool is the simplest solution.
Correct, a kerf of 0 will simply autodesm a clean DXF file without any offsetting of lines. You can also enter negative kerf values if the desire is to have loser fitting parts.
Really easy to use and Mega helpful, Ive just autoedsk across a problem though where the kerf doesnt seem to be doing anything – Mind you, it could be due to my chinese laser program. Nice for a “one of surface”. But without the support for exporting multiple faces at the same time it is faster to export them autodesk advance steel 2018 mega free normal way and scale them in illustrator. Thankyou Tony, This was very helpful! I could’t select multiple faces but otherwise it worked perfect for all my 2D sketches I had to convert to.
I’ve lost autodesk advance steel 2018 mega free hours before download this script and make all I want literally in разделяю windows 10 screenshot app download free download весьма. Super tool, thanx! It will be good, if resultant countour will have some rounding arcs, e.
Unfortunately now Mgea have the same issues with this tool during DXF export which i had with the inbuilt feature in Fusuon before. Every line sfeel moved and open geometry’s everywhere :. This tool uses the built in DXF export function.
It just does what it can to make a clean, and offset, sketch first. It sounds like you have a legitimate bug to report with the DXF export. The only way I know of to report a bug is on the Fusion forums. Thank you for the kind words and your rather generous donation too! I love autodesk advance steel 2018 mega free plugin! An awesome feature would be the feature to autamaticaly add the component name считаю, jlg manuals download могу the part when working with large projects.
I was using the default option for Fusion to export the dxf files, but it was very annoying and time consuming, and actually our lasercutter doesn’t open them, I had to open По этой ссылке to export them again to make it work. The plugin just brilliantly solve everything and it even separate different paths on different layers so that it’s possible to set up the cutting parameter individually and choose the cutting order.
The automatic naming is also very handy component – body. I’m sure each laser cutting software aadvance things a bit differently but I’ve also noticed the generation of rather silly cut sequences using VisiCut from time to time myself. I’m not sure how best to optimize the DXF file, or how practical it steeo be to do so. Saying “DXF file” is sort of like autodeso “XML file” – there is little standardization outside of some key “elements” and conventional use of command codes.
I’m curious how you prepare the files for cutting, does your software package largely handle the path optimizations automatically, or is it a lot of manual work? What software do you use? Feel free to e-mail me directly at ross. This tool seems like it would be about the handiest thing around, were it not for the non-manifold face issue. I want so badly to use it to autodesk advance steel 2018 mega free all of the manual offset geometry creation I have autodesk advance steel 2018 mega free do in Lasercad to account for kerf width, but every single face I try comes up as being non-manifold.
I sure 2108 that feature gets added. It would be good if you could pick more than one face if the part to be cut was already nested It produces a clean. This would be really useful. Right now I can’t really use this plugin, because any text I have added to a component causes holes in the output because I can’t select the face that is the centre of an “O” for example.
Works perfect for simple and medium contours. Will make my life much easier! It is also very fast! But it needs some improvement for complex geometries. Would be nice if you could generate an Add-In out of your Script. DXF for Laser. Hobbyist: Ross Korsky. Mac OS Win Read Help Document. About This Version Version 1. Screenshots and Videos. Customer Reviews. This is not working since my fusion updated anyone else having problem? Ross Korsky Publisher October 27, Ross Korsky Publisher June 26, Matt Van Luenen July 04, Steve Wilkin Autodesk advance steel 2018 mega free 21, Thanks Tony, and Matt for this, the fix worked fine.
What a relief! Before this add on, I have to manually offset each line. This add on save me a lot of time. Rauter February 21, Verified Download What’s this? Thank you so much, you really saved me from the nightmare of using the inbuilt DXF export Rauter March 16, Autodrsk Korsky Publisher March 21, This app save a lot of time.
Thanks so much. Ross Korsky Publisher ,ega 08, Simple Effective Accurate Wonderful! Six Stars! Got clean results without nearly as much hassle. July 23, Six Stars. Mark Hanford January 30, Add to Wishlist Create a new wishlist. DXF for Laser Free. View the wishlist Continue exploring. Wishlist name. Create wishlist Cancel. Download Size:. Compatible with: Autodesk Fusion The size of the file you autodesk advance steel 2018 mega free about to download is more than M.
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Sign up for SimplyBlu and get a free monthly subscription until 31 December www. While every care has been taken when compiling this publication, the publishers, editor and contributors accept no responsibility for any consequences arising from any errors or emissions. ISBN: I feel like I just blinked and is already half gone! With each passing year, time seems to speed up — maybe it had a gentler, less frantic trajectory when we measured its passage according to the seasons and not how long it takes for something to download?
And yet when I think back on the year, so much has happened. COVID continues to impact our lives and while businesses and individuals are adjusting to the new normal, the growth of socioeconomic and geopolitical tensions have been exacerbated by 3 years of the pandemic.
Russia and Ukraine loom large – with North Korea firing 3 ballistic missiles into the sea for good measure. That was in February — and in May, one of the best pieces of news I received was that our unemployment rate had dropped in Q1.
With only a thousand kilometres separating them, Durban and Gqeberha have been pummeled by opposite ends of the climate change extreme events spectrum: flood and drought. Fittingly, at Davos this year, sustainability, adaptation and mitigation were top of the agenda. Also strengthening the voice from the South, Damon Galgut won the Booker prize for his novel The Promise which I am busy reading and the Gift of the Givers organisation continues to do wonderful humanitarian work across the globe.
Celebrating success is what we do here at Topco Media — and this bumper 17th edition of our flagship publication Standard Bank Top Women Leaders is no exception. Leila Fourie, CEO of the JSE, graces our front cover and inside we have an abundance of articles, interviews, podcasts, as well as tips and advice celebrating entrepreneurship, empowerment, leadership, tenacity and innovation.
One of the great things about being digi-first is that we are able to embed links into our content for your edification and delight and in this edition our podcasts include Shirley Zinn, Vera Songwe, Rolene Strauss, Mariana Santos, Aisha Baker and Mushfiqoh Samodien. We hope you enjoy the read. BeSafe Gratitude. I too have experienced a devastating loss. I lost my mom to. What is grounding me is the gratitude that I have for the time we did have with her.
We want to be the bank, which, across the continent, has the highest number of customers who survive through this time with their businesses intact and their livelihoods intact. However, more than anything, very close to my heart, is the ability to continue to pay all salaries to secure the livelihoods of our people.
During the pandemic we continued to pay a hundred percent of all salaries. As an organisation, we want to create the highest value for our shareholders. Success is not about the one who has got the highest profit or even the lowest loss. Success, right now, means providing the best support to the people of our continent. In South Africa alone, over 3 million people have lost their jobs.
There are many women out there who have children that do not have access to the Internet and therefore cannot attend on-line school classes. Conversations are now more important than ever. Some of the conversations we need to have are. How are we going to help each other?
How do we help our businesses survive? How do we make sure that we can get out of this so that we can live, and continue to pay school fees and buy groceries for our children? We also must think beyond survival. We must think about thriving. We need to think about how we start making pivots in our business models to ensure that our business is in fact future ready. We also need to think about how we prepare the next generation of women and our children to be ready to thrive. I am hoping that we can use this time we are in to redefine leadership.
Perhaps we can pivot success and leadership away from wanting more and more and make it more about giving. We must also start having a conversation which redefines success and leadership for the young women and young men of this country and this continent, so that ultimately humanity can continue to thrive and survive through this time.
I believe that ultimately, leadership is giving by creating additional value that will grow our continent. In her latest interview with us, Lindy-Lou talks about courageous leadership during the pandemic, and how South African women who are struggling to survive in these difficult times, can prevail.
Please unpack your role at Standard Bank. What excites you about being a Marketing Executive for the Bank? Being responsible for that transformation and observing its positive impact on communities is rewarding. Financial empowerment is a core enabler of many things, which results in progress and makes dreams possible. In your view, how important is localisation for the South African economy?
Localisation is critical for rebuilding and strengthening our local economies. It shifts economic activity into the hands of many of our small to medium sized enterprises that are currently challenged due to the pandemic.
Many South Africans have lost their jobs, unemployment figures are rising, and income levels. These businesses are owned by our neighbours, families and friends, they influence our lives every day, often in infinitesimal but sometimes in grand, immeasurable ways.
Small regional businesses collaborate to create products that serve community needs thereby strengthening community cohesion. This also drives awareness to consumers about products, thereby increasing the customer base.
As a bank, we partner with clients to grow and help build their legacy. So, we can do all of their financial management and take that stress away. From an educational and an assistance point of view, we plan to continue our awareness campaigns.
Our digital banking offerings are always being streamlined and refined to enable more contactless transactions. We also provided discretionary relief on credit agreement instalments for up to 3 months for customers unable to earn an income during the prescribed period — April — June Qualifying Standard Bank Business Current account holders and owners of a small business with a turnover of less than Rmillion a year, were offered a day payment holiday on their credit cards, home loans, and vehicle asset finance for the prescribed period — April to June Clients with existing student loans who met the requisite criteria were also offered a payment deferment for the prescribed day period as a relief measure.
Small Enterprise customers with an annual turnover of R20 million and over annually were also offered payment relief for the period April — June In line with our COVID Business and SMME Support initiative, customers in financial distress due to being negatively impacted by COVID lockdown and the resultant slowdown in the economy, were offered a loan linked to the prime interest rate to help cover operating expenses such as salaries, lease agreements, fulfilment of supplier contractual obligations, utilities, etc.
Africa is our home and we drive her growth. What does it mean to you to be a courageous leader in these times? Being a courageous leader means showing up and being conscious of the energy that one transfers. The time to empower is now; people need hope now. We believe that empowering women can accelerate growth in Africa as is evident in our support of initiatives such as the UN Women He4She movement.
We also recognise the positive societal impact made by phenomenal female entrepreneurs by sponsoring initiatives like Top Women, among others.
I am also giving talks and mentoring women. What gets you up in the morning? My passion for life and my desire to inspire positive transformation through leading with a purpose. If you had an extra hour in the day, how would you spend it? I would honestly use it to talk more and take longer walks with my teenage daughter, Lebone. I would force her to talk and remove her headphones; that would be my power hour of quality time with my princess. Do you have a message for the women out there struggling to survive in these difficult times?
Each day in my role is never the same as another, which keeps it exciting. I really enjoy engaging with businesses and understanding how they have achieved and grown as they have. Business owners and entrepreneurs have achieved so much in an extremely challenging environment and I am always fascinated by their stories.
As Head of Business Clients at Standard Bank South Africa, I see my role as being incredibly important to not only serve as a leader to the Business Clients team by providing strategic direction and leading the team to achieve our goals, but also to serve as a leader in building our nation.
My job also allows me the opportunity to tackle complex problems with colleagues as well as keep up to date with a dynamic financial services environment, which keeps things stimulating and exciting. In line with our purpose to grow Africa, I truly believe that the work we do to support businesses and help them grow results in economic growth and positive social outcomes.
We recognise the importance of helping female entrepreneurs to start, manage and grow their businesses. There are also plans underway to reach women entrepreneurs and support them with registering their business, opening a bank account, and preparing funding applications in addition to providing other types of support.
We have so many success stories that speak to our mission to become a leading partner for businesses deeply invested in the growth of our clients; and especially our female clients helping them become active participants in and contributors to the economy, creating employment and uplifting the communities they operate within — paving the way for other female entrepreneurs.
For those businesses looking to find alternative ways to network with other businesses and diversify their client base with customers globally, we encourage them to join TradeClub which is our exclusive digital platform that allows one to explore new markets around the world or. I think this is so true for entrepreneurs. Becoming a business owner is no easy job; you must have a vision for your business and be ambitious enough to realise it. To participate in government procurement processes and supply chain opportunities, women-owned businesses should start by ensuring that their business is procurement ready — do you have all the resources required to successfully get the job done?
Can you demonstrate your ability to deliver on the contract in your application? Standard Bank Enterprise Development runs the Women Empowerment Presidency initiative which is aimed at the development of black women-owned businesses to be procurement ready. Government will ring-fence procurement opportunities that banks are expected to fund to support SMEs and help them build capacity to deliver.
We have also recently launched the Basali Southern Sotho name for women Development Programme in August , which is an in-depth skills development programme reaching women that will run for 12 months focusing on design thinking, business management , business process and compliance, legal, financial literacy, digital marketing and sales, and personal mastery as key modules amongst others. They may find it more difficult to secure investors or raise collateral for loans compared to their male counterparts.
These duties make it harder for a woman to dedicate her time towards running a business. We have had to work harder to prove that we deserve a seat at the table and can be taken seriously in our chosen professions and careers.
In my spare time I enjoy spending time with family and friends, reading novels and I try to get a game of golf in every now and then. Venus and Serena Williams — strong female athletes with great success as professional tennis players. Michelle Obama — she is such an inspiring female leader and a true supporter of women supporting women. And of course, Nelson Mandela, the greatest leader South Africa has ever known.